Compress Any Image Without Losing Its Quality.
Image compression is the process by which an image size is reduce in order to minimize or optimize storage space.
Image compression has become very essential and very important now a days, most especially for internet base purpose like uploading for use as passport or blog post, for a faster web page loading, page images have to be compress or optimize.
There are some other benefits of optimizing image size, for example include;
Less space consumption
Easy transmission of images between devices and time saving in term of loading and processing across platforms.
There are two major image compression format which include the JPEG and the GIF format.
There are other format too like the PNG and TIFF but the commonly used format are those of jpeg and gif because it is faster and reliable when it comes to processing and storage optimization respectively.
Without wasting much of your time, let dive into the topic of discussion.
How to compress image: There are different ways in which you can use to compress image;
The use of WhatsApp
I'm sure you are familiar with the WhatsApp messenger but I don't think you have the idea of how it reduce image size, WhatsApp frameware usually compress any image that is sent to any chat before the user received it, have you ever notice that before? If you haven't then get to know that today.
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