- Fear Of God
- Things That Causes Forgetfulness
- Looking or staring at cross.
- The reading of slate note placed on a grave.
- Too much lies.
- Taking or eating from Haram, that is unlawful things.
- Sleeping after the fajir prayer.
- Too much of sleeping.
- Sleeping while you are naked.
- Defications in a public area.
- Eating while you have not perform your ritual birth, like janaaba.
- Eating while lying down.
- Sweeping the room with rag or cloth.
- Sweeping the room in the night.
- Calling of one parent's name without full respect.
- Rinsing your hands with sand.
- Using of your cloth to wipe away sweat instead of using an handkerchief.
- Keeping of cobweb in the room.
- Not praying on time and regularly.
- walking out of the masjid with hasty.
- Swearing of course upon children.
- Quenching of fire by blowing it out with your mouth.
- Not praying for good upon ones parent.
It is too regretful to be forgetful, to forget what you know or even what you are planning to do.
Are you finding it difficult to remember what you have learnt? or is it difficult for you to assimilate any knowledge?
The question is, why is some people so forgetful? And the answer to the question is that, it is because they keep doing what should be avoided in doing and what are those things?
They do not fear Allah. Allah said in the Holy Quran, in Surah Al-Baqarah 2:282
وَٱتَّقُوا۟ ٱللَّهَۖ وَيُعَلِّمُكُمُ ٱللَّهُۗ
And fear Allah and Allah teaches you.
The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said,
من لم يتورع فى تعلمه ابتلاه الله تعالى بأحد ثلاثة أشياء: إما أن يميته فى شبابه، أو يوقعه فى الرساتيق، أو يبتليه بخدمة السلطان
Who ever that does not fear Allarh or be cautious when studying knowledge, Allah Ta'ala will test him with one of these three things;
He will either dies young, or Allah Ta'ala will place him in the farming industry or Allah Tah'ala will test him by making him serve the rulers.
Things that can cause forgetfulness include
You may be thinking that how is this possible, actually, by spiritually speaking, it can cause forgetfulness, because a death person is the one that is to be forget.
It is an abomination to be found as liar, even the Quran talked about the lies that,
Sleeping after the fajir prayer.
Too much of sleeping.
Sleeping while you are naked.
Defication in a public area.
Eating while you have not perform your ritual birth, like janaaba.
Eating while lying down.
Sweeping the room with rag or cloth.
Sweeping the room in the night.
Calling of one parent's name without full respect.
Rinsing your hands with sand.
Using of your cloth to wipe away sweat instead of using an handkerchief.
Keeping of cobweb in the room.
Not praying on time and regularly.
walking out of the masjid with hasty.
Swearing of course upon children.
Quenching of fire by blowing it out with your mouth.
Not praying for good upon ones parent.
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