The Easy Way To fix Low Storage Space Issue on Android phone.
Sometimes it is so frustrating and annoying , when you want to install a new application on your device or transfer from a friend, an interesting music or video, and then your device turn out telling you "Low Storage Space" or "Storage Space Running Out" it will look so frustrating because you might don't want to delete anything from your device at that moment, instead of forgetting about the app you wish to install, there is an easy simple step you can follow to accumulate more space for your internal storage, so that you can be able to receive the app and make use of the little space you have created.I will show you how to do that, if
you can read till the end of this post.
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Google file manager is a built in file manager for Android version 8.1 and above, it is available in all Model.
Before anything you will need to install the Google file manager application called File Go, it usually a system app on any latest version of Android devices, if you are using other model like vivo or the like, you will need to get this app installed by downloading the apk format from Google, how this app work is that, Google Programmed in such a way that you will have access to storage space optimization, so it will show you to clean up some space, when ever your phone is running out of space, do that by cleaning up the junk files , and some of duplicate content on your device after that, follow these steps below to clear up more space.
- Step 1: Go-to Your App Drawers from the launcher and select the Settings App.
- Step 2: Go-to Apps and Notifications (where you can find the list of all your installed applications)
- Step 3: Go-to where you will see all apps and then so that you can be able to know which of your applications take more space during installation.
- Step 4: Click on the app that takes up much data space and clear its catches, and if necessary you can clear it data too.
you can do the same to every other application until you will stop seeing the low storage notification.
Note: clearing some app data may render it to lose of your saved information in that particular App, so take note of which application you are to clear it data, for example, clear whatsApp data using this process will delete all your chat history and return the application to it normal state of installation.
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You can actually clear and free up more space using the ES file explorer, if you are not familiar with this app, search and download it from Google Play Store.
Upon successful installation, open the app and click on the option button, you should see some list of available options, check for where you will see the option of SD Card Analyst
An analytics displaying folders and files that are taking up too much space will be render to you, it is then that you will select which of the file that you feel you can delete, there is a folder that stores the thumbnail of all the images available on your device, this folder takes more space and it is not relevant, search for that folder and delete all the file in the folder to free up more space.
Long press on the folders or files to enable the delete option, doing this process will permanently delete those files, unless if you enable the recycle bin property of the ES file explorer App, for this to work for you, you just have to disable recycle bin property, you can
check for the settings on the option button too.
The last App I will leave you with, which can also help in optimization of your phone storage and it's performance is the Phone Master Application, it's usually come as a system app, but you can download it on Google Play Store too in case if you don't have it on your phone. This App is easy to use, you can give it a try.
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